
The UnitPlus Savings Plan Calculator

Here you get an overview of the potential profit development of your invested money with UnitPlus. It’s this easy:


Choose from our seven different strategies with varying risk and return profiles.


Select how much money you would like to invest with UnitPlus.


Additionally, you can provide information about the use of your UnitPlus bank card.

Choose your portfolio strategy:

Die smarte Alternative zum Tagesgeld: Mit FlexPlus legst du ausschließlich in europäische Staatsanleihen an und möchtest im besten Fall bei sehr geringem Risiko eine jährliche Zielrendite von 3,0% erhalten.
Mit Zugspitze investierst du weltweit zu 50% in Aktien und zu 50% in Anleihen. Langfristig möchtest du damit einen höheren Ertrag erzielen, als du auf deinem herkömmlichen Konto bekommst.
Du möchtest deine finanziellen Ziele etwas schneller erreichen, aber das Risiko soll sich dabei in Grenzen halten? Mit Mont Blanc investierst du zu 60% in Aktien und 40% in Anleihen.
Das Matterhorn ist nicht nur das Wahrzeichen der Schweiz, sondern auch eine beliebte Portfoliostrategie, die 70% in Aktien und 30% in Anleihen investiert.
Für einen höheren Ertrag bist du auch bereit ein höheres Risiko einzugehen? Das Portfolio Kilimanjaro besitzt einen Aktienanteil von 80% und von Anleihen über 20%.
Um schneller an dein Ziel zu kommen, kannst du auch höhere Risiken aushalten? Mit Mount Everest bist du zu 90% in Aktien und 10% in Anleihen investiert.
Dein Geld ist am Geldmarkt angelegt, sodass du mit CashPlus die Zinswende optimal ausnutzen kannst.
Fixed single payment?

The amount of money you want to invest
Monthly deposit

Deposits per month from your reference account
Monthly card usage

Expenditure per month with your UnitPlus card

Money invested


Investing account

Yaer 20

The graph is a hypothetical performance based on historical price data. Risk note and assumptions

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under 10 minutes

Start investing in under 10 minutes



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How to invest your money with UnitPlus

With UnitPlus, you not only benefit from rising interest rates thanks to CashPlus, but also have the opportunity to invest in award-winning portfolios curated by financial experts. This way, you can increase your long-term earning potential and build even more wealth. You can change your portfolio anytime for free within the app.


The Mountain-Series

Professional portfolios tailored to your needs. Recognized as the Best Digital Investment Newcomer by Capital and “Institut für Vermögensaufbau” 2023.



The innovative alternative to overnight deposits. Benefit daily from leading interest rates with the option to pay worldwide without fees.

Discover CashPlus

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Invest exclusively in European government bonds, minimising risk while maintaining flexibility.

Discover FlexPlus

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You can change your portfolio at any time for free in the app.

These are your options for depositing money

As soon as you have set up your account with UnitPlus, you can easily deposit money and start saving. You have several options available for this:


Transfer a one-time amount by bank transfer; the money will then usually be available within 48 hours. You can also use the direct debit process, which then takes up to 7 business days.


To save money regularly, you can create a monthly savings plan that invests the same amount each time. This way, you invest continuously and, especially with the Mountain Series, you can take advantage of the “cost-average effect”.


This works like a savings plan but is smarter and tailored to you. With the help of artificial intelligence, we suggest the amount each month that you should invest based on your financial situation.